Archive for May, 2024



The Faithful showed up in full force this morning in anticipation of some very deep Essence that had fallen overnight. They were not disappointed, as there was close to 20″ covering the dance floor with heavy precipitation still dumping on the hill. High winds up high kept the Tram from operating and Mineral Basin and Little Cloud were closed due to stability issues. High Baldy was open for those who were up to hiking up from the chair to get the goods.

Kevin Canton sent this shot from his view from The Lodge giving you a good idea of the quantity at the base elevation.

The line was super large at The Peruvian Chair, so I took my table at The Forklift to observe and assess the options for the day. Glowing reports of the good quality and face shots were coming in from friends coming off the hill. The stoke was high, and folks were in full deep Winter mode.

This ripper came fully prepared for some deep diving and persistent face shots. He was going to need it.

Tomorrow, look for more accumulation in the overnight hours as the next low pressure system is right on the doorstep. I think traffic will be a bit lighter than today, but still will be a large factor. Hopefully more lift access will be on tap for the festivities. With the cold temps and no Sun on the pack, the deep quality will be fully preserved and should provide for another epic Spring day of Snow Sport Sliding. Keep it tight!!!



A stout Spring cycle began this morning after a very warm night and barely a freeze on the hill to start the day. The traffic was very light for first Tram, and the pack was pliable and granular. Precipitation began promptly and began dumping with intent. Before long there were inches of freshness on the hill and there were few there to get the goods.

Mikey M taking advantage of the rapid accumulation and smooth substrate out on Baldy. Gettin’ after it!!
Mark Herath blowing up the goodness like it was January and getting it all to himself.
Mark getting yet another lap on increasingly deeper pack as the storm cycle has only begun.

Tomorrow, look for much more accumulation as it is dumping rain down here at The Trailer and has not let up all day. This new installment will have a lot of cushion to mitigate the previous substrate and, with the pack having smoothed out with the lack of traffic over the past week or so, the lines should be good to go on all aspects. Coverage remains excellent so there are no caveats to deal with, with the exception of the usual mountain features. Temps will be certainly colder, so dress for weather. I expect traffic to be a tad more brisk so add that to the equation. These late Spring storms are a treat and will resurface the pack for good corn conditions when we get a freeze thaw cycle after it all settles out. Thanks Mikey M, for sending the great shots for the post today!! Syrup Won’t Stop ‘EM!!



It was warm and windy this morning, out ahead of the systems that are on our door step. There was a few inches of freshness on the dance floor, which offered some very nice lines if you were willing to go to the far reaches to attain the goods. The prepared lines were variable, and as the day wore on, the sticky factor was in full play.

Kevin sent this long shot of the Lewis and Clark area with some nice turns that took a bit to get to, but well worth the effort.
A solo line down Living The Dream this morning before the Sun got to work it.
Kevin Canton eighted his tracks on this Lewis and Clark extravaganza. Still getting the goods this late in the season.

Tomorrow, look for light traffic, overcast skies, and precipitation to begin as these weather systems move through the Front. I expect the temps to fall overnight, but, perhaps, there might be a short break in the AM if the temps remain moderate. The machine worked lines will still be providing the known smooth if the visibility goes South, so keep that in mind for your planning. This cycle looks to be a real cap off for the season, but I think there is more yet to come. We’ll see. IBBY!!



There was a light dusting of fresh Essence overnight, leaving a couple of inches of cushion on the dance floor. The Peruvian Chair was brought back on line to take the place of the Tram which was still having issues. The clouds cleared as the morning got going, lighting up Mineral Basin, which offered some fair turning on the machine worked lines as well as the off trail areas. With the light traffic this past week, and the draw of the prepared lines, the off trail was smoothing out nicely, making some good lines to work.

Jake sent this great shot of his turns in the fresh spring Essence out in Mineral Basin.

Tomorrow, look for a cold morning with warming temps are going to get mild. There should be nicely prepared lines and still some soft off trail lines to find if you look. I expect traffic to be brisk to start, but there should be little back up at all. Coverage remains excellent top to bottom, though I expect there to be some sticky sections on the lower mountain as the day heats up, so watch your roll going into the flats. Be sure to stick around for some great music as Plazapalooza is on. Lots of great vibes and sounds to round out the day. Remain Standing!!



There was a hard freeze overnight, with the Bird site reporting a 15 Degree mid mountain temp. Needless to say, the pack was firm and was going to take a bit for the break to happen, even in Mineral Basin. The front of the hill was super firm and very crusty, with a bit of tenderizing on the lower aspects, making for some good turning. The Sun was shining, but the temps remained quite cool and the pack was really taking it’s time to soften. The Tram had a maintenance issue around Noon, so that was it for my day.

Pete sent this great shot of a Marmot checking out the weather and trying to decide if it was Spring yet.
My good friend Lacky caught this shot of me discussing the concept of Harmonic Complexity with Whiskey!!

Tomorrow, look for overcast skies, with some precipitation in the forecast. Visibility will be at a premium, so stick with the known smooth lines and keep the turns tight to avoid crossing too many transitions. Traffic is light and the hill is very wide open, but sticking to the main prepared lines is key as the off trail is quite crispy and variable. See you there dark and early for the morning session. IBBY!!



It was a cold morning, with a stiff breeze and Sun coming out from behind the clouds that were moving off rapidly. Mineral Basin was offering the Sun and best chance for early softening, but I was interested in the smooth prepared lines in Peruvian Gulch with no traffic, and the promise of some tenderization efforts on the lower mountain. Visibility was quite good in the AM on the front side as the Sun is much higher in the sky to start out the day, so top to bottom, back to back Trams were the attraction. Jake went on a long traverse to Living The Dream to access a Lewis and Clark experience with no one around and smooth corn wall to wall.

A long look at smooth perfection out in the far reaches, where softening was ready to happen.
A look back to the action zone from the top of a Lewis and Clark extravaganza.

When the break finally went off, the sorbet quality was a special treat, with carving lines that did not disappoint. With the cold temps, the great quality held up a very long time, finally breaking after 1:30Pm on Regulator. It is fun to chase the Sun around the hill and get the goods coming and going. Tomorrow, look for more cold temps in the AM and another slow brake in the pack. Nice light traffic to keep the stoke high. See the line, Be the line!!!