There was clear skies, great snow, and bonus terrain for today’s opening. Peruvian Gulch opened with much of the areas open off the top. Great quality, with smooth first of the season early snow fall surface. That old layer had been fully worked over and this new product was dense enough to really add a complete change to the feel on the hill. Many first of the season first tracks were had by the cognosenti who went to get the rare and best. There was plenty to go around, and folks really enjoyed the chance to get what they came for.

With all this snow and a fairly consistent substrate will provide some great turning before the next installment dials in. You know it will! Tomorrow, look for incredible machine worked lines that will be as good as it gets, still soft snow off trail, and new shots still waiting in the wings. This is a good time to get another close look at the hill as it gets worked to get a handle on the possibilities going forward. Watch Your SIX!!