Archive for February, 2025



This storm delivers the goods just in the nick of time and The Faithful were on deck in force to sample the tasty goodness. With the recent wind events the underlying substrate was generally smooth top to bottom, letting the lines be driven with unmitigated audacity. Visibility was marginal, however, there were windows of clarity from time to time to get your bearings. Getting this new installment worked into the pack will help establish a much softer cushion over the underlying feel. It is great to have soft snow, once again, under foot with so many great lines primed and ready.

The Jazz Man doing what he does best, somewhere where others ignore and gets the goods all to himself. Genius!! Tomorrow, look for more soft snow lines all over the hill, with some sections still waiting in the wings. The prepared lines will be all time carpets of AHHHHHH with all this new product getting tilled into the mat. I’ll be looking for those smooth lines that still are holding up, and those soft smooth sections that let me attain full platform engagement with each turn. I’ll be dressing for cold but visibility should be much improved. Traffic should be heavy again, so use those chair options to stay ahead of the crowd. Dial it up, Dial it in!!



The next shot of Essence was on the door step today, with stout winds out ahead of the front. The Tram opened, but was shut down due to a serious spike in the wind speed as the front was ready to unload. The smooth lines on the hill were holding up nicely, though the visibility was marginal at best, but knowing the line was consistent helped with the guess work. The machine worked lines had a bit of soft dust on them that gave plenty of traction and nice turning top to bottom. Mineral Basin was open, but visibility back there was also difficult with not much in the way of reference.

Wynonna here getting all of it on a sunny powder day last season. She is such an amazing skier and makes the most of every turn. The front unloaded and began the accumulation which made the stability touchy. Tomorrow, look for fresh Essence to be on tap, though with the high winds and new snow, mitigation efforts will take some time to complete. The hill is in great shape for this next installment, with good cover after these last few storms adding to the pack. I’ll be taking the day off, so dial in some turns for me. IBBY!!!



The storm moved off, leaving clouds hanging on the peak, still stiff winds working the pack, and wind smoothed lines on all sides of the hill that were perfect, silky, chalky, and naturally buffed. The machine worked lines were augmented by the transported dust, which felt like heaven underfoot, making top to bottom laps a ground pounding dream. Some Sun patches showed up now and again, bursting the visibility wide open with stunning technicolor.

Jake sent this shot looking at the dry buffed smooth surfaces that were on tap today. All those days of training paid off on a day like this. Traffic was moderate, but the Tram thinned out and fast turnarounds were happening. Mineral Basin was offering very rare wind buffed lines that really tax your stamina for top to bottom non stops, and that section of vertical is just a dream.

Three Daves trying to decide which way to go. It is all down hill from here. Tomorrow, look for more wind buffed lines on all sides of the hill as they all stood up fairly well. The machine worked lines will, again, be offering stellar dry chalky carpets that are just too much fun to deny. Traffic will be moderate and I think there may be some weather beginning to move back in. We’ll have to see how that shakes out. Remain Standing!!!



The wind was howling again all night as The Front moved in. Temps. were warm ahead of the arrival, but the temps were about to drop quickly with it’s arrival around 11 AM. The Canyon was closed mid day due to a fallen power line just to add to the excitement of the day. The prepared lines were offering the best consistency on the hill, but some of the wind smooth lines were holding up a bit better under turn pressure, however, it was always good to expect variations in the ride.

The Tunnel is fun to transit and get a look at the pieces of mining history. It is amazing that folks worked in the earth for so many years, and probably never imagined the activities we get to enjoy here in the high country. We live in a very special window of time indeed. Tomorrow, look for a bit more relaxed weather pattern, with, perhaps, a peak at the Sun. I will be looking for those wind smooth lines in areas as they open. The prepared lines will also be offering excellent carving quality top to bottom. Traffic should be moderate and fast laps will be on tap on all sides of the hill. There is more weather upstream, so enjoy these days of better visibility and wide open driving. Speed Safely!!



The wind was rockin’ The Trailer all night long and it did not let up when I got to the hill. The Tram was down due to the velocity, but the Peruvian Chair and Mineral Basin were on line to fill out the terrain package for the day. With the wind continuing to work the pack, some of that breakable crust was becoming supportable, however, a careful approach was needed to avoid a glitch in the flow line. Traffic was light and back to back laps were happening on all sides of the hill. Visibility was quite good, but that flat light smeared the details, keeping you on your toes.

The Jazz Man was out and about looking for those wind filled and smoothed lines, finding pay dirt which he worked all day all to himself.

It is always fun to follow your inner guidance and be rewarded with some of the best naturally smooth lines of the season. Watch the wind and keep those hunches close to the vest and cash in on goodness. Tomorrow, look for a storm day as an impulse moves in. Wind will still be in the mix and those smooth lines will still be holding up the feel under additional accumulation. I expect there still to be light traffic, with moderate temps, but plan on a storm day. We’ll just have to wait and see how it all shakes out after all the wind and changes in temps. Syrup Won’t Stop ‘EM!!!



There were nukin’ winds this morning, sidelining the Tram and putting a delay on The Peruvian Chair for the opener. I decided to ride the Forklift Chair to see how things shaked out as the morning progressed. There was a great turnout at The Table to discuss the options and get Beta coming off the hill. The Peruvian Chair opened later in the AM. which offered some interesting wind worked lines that varied from breakable slab to perfectly carvable corduroy that let you dial in some deep turns. Getting the juice out of the turn was the call for dealing with that level of variability.

We remember Walter “Chairman of The Board” Klemment at The Table today. He represented a keystone in the history of The Bird and found his Bliss on the hill, just as we all do every day. Tomorrow, look for more wind worked lines on the hill, and, perhaps, we might get The Tram if the wind backs off for the morning session. Some of the North aspects are getting filled in with the hard wind direction, so keep an eye out for much better access and line quality as the wind keeps amplifying the cover. Temps should be warm once again, but still dress for the wind as it really cuts through the layers. Keep it tight!!



This has been a very strange pattern, with the front moving up and down through the Northern part of the state, bringing high winds, warmer temps, and a chocked off delivery of the goods. Today winds were super high and there were day long delays. The wind and new accumulation will be working the pack and I will be looking for some nicely filled in areas as well as newly scoured sections that will require a first hand look.

Right out of the Canyon the snow was still pumpin’ and the lights were on low beam to get the best resolution. Tomorrow, look for a full reset as we get a better look at the hill. I’ll be keeping in mind my go to smooth lines and will be looking out for some of those newly filled lines that have not even been on my radar of late. It will be a good time to scope a lot of the hill out from different vantage points. I expect moderate traffic and we’ll have to see what happens with openings. Patience is a virtue on days like these. Stay Frosty!!!



After a long dry spell a significant cycle is just beginning, which will bring the hill back to soft and blastable life with days of storms lined up for the week and beyond. There were a few inches of overnight accumulation to get the party started, and the machine worked lines were offering silky smooth surfaces with the new product sweetening the feel. It was good to have the hill etched in my memory so I know where the tight spots live. I’ve been giving those dodgy spots a lot of room, but now, with new snow, I can push the margins a bit more.


Remembering Leopard Man on a day like today. He always found the joy in every day and just loved storm skiing. I really miss his super positive vibes on the hill whenever I saw him out and about!! Tomorrow, look for additional accumulation as the impulse has just got started and will continue to bring snow well into Monday. The off trail will be improving quite a bit as the new product will cushion the rumble and static that has been building during the dry spell. There will still be reverberations from the substrate for a bit yet, so expect some variations from the old layer. Traffic should be brisk in the AM, so work the chairs to get a jump on the day. Speed safely!!