This storm delivers the goods just in the nick of time and The Faithful were on deck in force to sample the tasty goodness. With the recent wind events the underlying substrate was generally smooth top to bottom, letting the lines be driven with unmitigated audacity. Visibility was marginal, however, there were windows of clarity from time to time to get your bearings. Getting this new installment worked into the pack will help establish a much softer cushion over the underlying feel. It is great to have soft snow, once again, under foot with so many great lines primed and ready.

The Jazz Man doing what he does best, somewhere where others ignore and gets the goods all to himself. Genius!! Tomorrow, look for more soft snow lines all over the hill, with some sections still waiting in the wings. The prepared lines will be all time carpets of AHHHHHH with all this new product getting tilled into the mat. I’ll be looking for those smooth lines that still are holding up, and those soft smooth sections that let me attain full platform engagement with each turn. I’ll be dressing for cold but visibility should be much improved. Traffic should be heavy again, so use those chair options to stay ahead of the crowd. Dial it up, Dial it in!!