1-19-22 by dave

It was a sunny funshine morning with bright Sun illuminating Mineral Basin and rip tearing fresh corduroy over on Lewis and Clark. The air was quite nippy with a stout wind that was very biting. Having a big hood in such a case it great. On the front of the hill, The Peruvian Gulch was offering ground pounding fun with those steep sections asking to be dialed instead of schralped. I did my best Dialing.

Here is a view from The Landing of the smooth expanse of Mineral Basin.

Traffic was very light and it was great having empty lines to stretch out on. Tomorrow, look for some changes as a storm begins moving in for the next couple of days. I will be dressing more warmly to deal with the changes. The hill is in great shape. Now is a great time to take a look around and survey the options and the prevailing features.

Clouds moving up the Canyon from the Valley made for some interesting lighting.

The hill will still be fast and uncrowded, so look for the untracked corduroy smooth for the morning session. It has been epic!! Good Times!!!

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