3-08-22 by dave

Light flurries were falling all day long adding to the few inches of light density Essence that covered the dance floor. The temps were cold and the new product was very cold, making the slide a bit slow. Visibility was very marginal and staying close to the trees offered the best references. I did go for a foray out to Mark Malu to seek the smooth untracked, which I found out there, but the visibility was Zero Zero and I was skiing by braille. The Grooming Crew had done a great job on that area, so I just trusted the line and made turns that made me focus on the Nothing. Good training for the sunny days.

On the way through the tunnel these historic relics make me reflect on the tough folks who worked the mines in the day!!

Mineral Basin was offering some very nice lines, though the visibility was difficult out there. The lines were smooth and covered with a few inches of perfection, which made it a treat to explore. The additional snow has made the hill much more consistent, but there are still some slick spots that will crop up. Tomorrow, look for another snow day, with some overnight accumulation as this next impulse dials in on The Front. The hill will be getting really good with the cushion that has been building, and the consistency of the ride will be much more predictable. This is going to be fun. Don’t Touch That Dial!!

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