There was an inch of light density product on The Trailer this morning and between 7 and 9″ on the hill, to make this a surprise addition to start out the day. Fairly light traffic was on hand to sample the new installment, which felt light and creamy, however, the bottom crust was evident with every turn. A long deliberate turn was required to deal with the variations and, as the visibility was marginal, a close line on the known prepared lines helped keep things consistent.
I took some time and went looking around today, just hither and yon, where I scoped out The Exotic Trees, where I was late to the party. I had thought it was much less traveled, but…….NO!!
Tomorrow, look for more machine worked lines to have been prepared, which will offer very carvey lines as this new product gets integrated into the mat. Mineral Basin is offering nice lines, with much smoother substrate due to the lighter traffic. More fresh Essence may fall overnight as the flow is still coming out of the North West.
Visibility may still be variable tomorrow, we will just have to wait and see. The hill is in great shape wall to wall. Dial it up, Dial it in!!!