4-05-23 by dave

It has to be truly epic to use the word epic without it seeming glib, but these days have been epic, topping off all the records across the board. The delivery just would not stop and the Teams were working hard to try and stay on top of the intensity. Amazing totals were reported and the attainment of the 800″ mark and beyond is just incredible. The shots I saw of the Lisa Falls deposition was insane. Holy Tamolie!!!

Kevin sent this additional shot of the same chairs that had been cleared off yesterday.
A tantalizing look at lower Silver Fox in the first appearance of the Sun in some time. Sweet turns!!!

The Snowbird teams are working feverishly to get the hill open and it takes a lot of very committed folks to get the wheels turning. Tomorrow, expect delays going into the morning. Be sure to check the Bird site for up to date data. Those slides in the Canyon were just wild. When the hill does open it will be amazing indeed. Warming is in the forecast and Sun will be working the aspects, adding another element to the day. Thanks to all the folks that are working the problems and trying their best to make it happen. Stay Frosty!!!

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