4-28-23 by dave

It was a beautiful morning with a super blue sky that seemed unreal as I rode the first Mineral Basin chair. White Diamonds was offering the first of the break on first Tram, with some very nice freshly tilled lines that let you dial in plenty of traction. On the front side of the hill, it was going to take until 11:30 AM for the break to start, and with that break a very short window of sweet sorbet was happening as the Sun did it’s work.

Jake sent this shot of the cornice on The Twins being controlled.

Today was a day of chasing the break around the dial to stay in the softening pocket. They did a special smoothing treatment of Lower Silver Fox that was insane when it hit the sweet spot. Lower Primrose Path was also offering amazing lines when the pack broke.

Jake also sent this great shot of the new and HUGE features of the biggest jump line as they get ready for the big event.

The shot above really illustrates how much snow is up there on the hill as they cut through 15′ of pack and still there plenty left to work. Wow. Tomorrow, look for another overnight freeze, but I think the break will happen a touch earlier as the overnight temps will be warmer by comparison. A casual start to the day is a good idea as I hit the Forklift after my first full lap around the hill to let warming occur. Remain Standing!!!!

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