High Noon

3-18-09 by dave

Wednesday morning had a distinct nip to the air. I knew it was going to be crisp on the hill and it did not disappoint.  The Peruvian side held the winter chill much better than the Gad side which was fully bullet proof on the West facing .  Mineral was softening a bit slower than yesterday with the colder temps, but softened nicely on the South facing and East facing came around quickly.  Follow the sun for best results.  Out of area touring was open to the Twins as well as Gad 2 and reports of good corn came back with the tours.  High  Noon was the breaking point in general and the softening worked it’s way up the hill.  Big Emma really held of till 1:00 PM, but was edgable with a fresh till for traction.  Who Done It was also given the re till so that was the go to run for the before breakfast crowd. Tomorrow should have similar timing so plan accordingly, But ,in my opinion, the AM is vacant and good to go with no problems.  See you on first tram for the morning ROCK session!!!

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