12-26-11 by dave

My return trip from the Mother Ship, through the Morphogenic Field,  was a bit turbulent, where the Quantum Foam seemed like Cataract Canyon in high water, but I found things smoothed out  as my atoms realigned.    I still have not gotten used to Hyperdimensional travel,  but it is much less stressful than air travel any day.  It looks like the inversion is setting up again, making the Black Ice situation in the Canyon problematic once again.  I intercepted some  Go Pro footage of some off trail explorations that seemed a bit extreme and thin, though the quality in the hard to get to places looked dry, chalky, and whet the appetite for  future entrances to the big lines.  I still am not going anywhere near those shots until we get more snow, but I got to give it to the adventurous spirit of the folks willing to enter the GNAR ZONE areas.


Tomorrow, look for the inversion to deliver some nice temps. and sunny skies before we begin to see the arrival of some brush by weather coming in later in the week.  The Vacation Week is in full force, but I expect some rapid fire morning runs before the traffic increases.  The Groomers will still be providing the goods, but the firmness factor will be increasing each day, making the search for the soft spots imperative.  I will have the first hand report tomorrow, so stay tuned for a bit more detail.  See you on the first Boat.   Peace out!!   Here is the You Tube link to the Go Pro footage courtesy of my friend Shawn and his son I don’t know if that will work, but that is the link.   Thanks Shawn!!

2 Responses to “RE-ENTRY”

  1. Dan says:

    Dave, any chance you could post a link for the go pro footage you mentioned in your latest update?

  2. dave says:

    You got it. check the post.

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