Another brisk clear morning greeted the morning crew, who were on hand for the trace that had fallen overnight. The off trail was still sporting the rumble chop from the past few days, and the fresh did nothing to cushion the ride. The Groomers were offering some really excellent lines on all sides of the hill. It was a take your choice of perfection kind of morning. The Cat Crew had rebuffed lower Primrose Path, which was so smooth and silky it needed to be visited repeatedly to get the imprint of goodness firmly etched in the memory banks. There were clouds moving in and out of the area, leaving the air filled with snowflakes as the Sun filtered through, creating a heavenly glow. Here is a shot of Mineral Basin with the light glowing in the expanse of the bowl. Tomorrow, look for another great day of hard driving Groomers that will test the upper limit of the perfection scale. Off trail will still be a bit tricky, though some of the lines are worth looking into as there is always a soft smooth line out there. The traffic should still be moderate, so back to back Trams will be on tap for the early risers. See you there for another picture perfect day of Snowbird magic. IBBY!!
2-11-13 by dave