The storm front, predicted to have moved in around 7:30AM, held off in the arrival until1:30PM, when heavy precipitation began to fall. For the morning session, the Primrose Trifecta had been prepared and was covered with a light dusting of freshness that just felt too good to be true. Other aspects were getting hammered by the heavy wind, that almost stopped my decent on Regulator. It was blowing so hard that the wind lines began to develop, with the North East faces getting the best transport accumulation. The High North was also benefiting from the transport, but it was still going to take a while for the additional accumulation to get the pack dialed up to Winter standards. Still, the Big Smooth was the treat of the day, as it offered top to bottom perfection despite the variable visibility. Tomorrow, look for the additional accumulation to have sweetened the dance floor, a partly cloudy day with much better visibility, and some really nice lines to mine on many of the big drops on the hill. Those South exposures will still be a bit funky, as they were very crispy this morning on my recon run out on a Lewis and Clark sojourn. The high wind did strip the approach to the Upper Cirque, so use caution as you move to the drop. That area extends 40′ back, so when it gets covered, know that going in. Here is a shot of the Wall Of Voodoo moving into the Canyon as I drove out of the Mouth at 1:45PM. It looked angry and packing a punch. Nice to have the added freshness. IBBY!!
3-30-14 by dave
Nice shot, looking out the mouth!!