12-16-15 by dave

There was a light dusting of Essence on the Trailer this morning as I left for the hill.  It was snowing lightly on the hill with a few inches of overnight accumulation.  The Cat Crew did a nice job preparing the smooth lines on both sides of the hill, and I was sticking to the beaten path.  On my second run down the Peruvian side I dipped my toe in the off trail and quickly had a ski removed by a covered feature.  Low angle lines were feeling the best, but the hard pack is still in play, though it is becoming much more covered over all.  I did not go over to Bananas today to check on the new terrain there.  I will check it out after the next storm.   The right side of Regulator was opened and was getting a lot of traffic.  I watched from the bottom as the folks worked through the lower sections and you could see it requires full attention.  Here is a shot of the trees flocked with the new cover.  DSC03284Tomorrow, look for additional accumulation to be the key feature as an impulse is predicted to move through with the Northerly flow.  The Grooming Crew will have prepared lines that will only be better with some fresh Essence covering the dance floor.  Visibility may be a bit variable as it was today, but I was able to get plenty of reference top to bottom.  I took this shot of the Stairway To Heaven as the Sun tried to break thought.  It is such a mighty mountain indeed and heaven it is when you get there.  DSC03289The thing about climbing this knife edge is there is no turning back, one step at a time, some very interesting perspectives, and a rush of adrenaline that keeps you moving.  I am looking forward to it.  Get ready for more freshness and more on the way for the next while.  Yea!!   Stay Frosty!!

One Response to “LIGHT DUSTING”

  1. JoeManTheSnowMan says:

    Lower Pucker was quite fine. And deep. In that wonderful Snowbird way. Way over by rope rocking. In all senses of word.

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