2-28-16 by dave

After some days of freeze thaw weather, the pack has really begun to firm up just since Friday.  It was a bit chilly this morning, with a stout North wind blowing, making the wind chill fall into single digits.  I was very glad I dressed for cold as that wind on the Baldy Chair was persistent.  White Diamonds had been given a fresh till as well as lower Silver Dipper, making that combination a rip roaring fun ride, though it was a bit crispy for the morning session.  On the front of the hill, great Grooming had been performed, with the Anderson’s Hill – Lower Primrose Path combination offering dry chalky lines that were perfectly consistent top to bottom.  Lower Chips Face and Lower Lower were freshly tilled and were well worth several visits to get that lower mountain steep that those pitches feature.  Here is a shot of White Diamonds on the first run of the day.   This might seem like a reused shot, but it is a fresh view from today’s fun.DSC03606While the Sun was high in the sky and the day warmed up slightly as the day wore on, there was a distinct chill in the air that kept the thaw from affecting the pack too much.  Tomorrow, look for a front to move through during the morning hours and moving out by 1:00PM. when clearing should leave the day Sunny once again.  Look for the smooth lines from today to be offering the consistency you will need when the visibility goes South.  Be aware of those due South aspect that will be very tough sledding after they freeze up overnight, and there is little chance of softening during the day.  Look for those High North lines to still be offering the best natural consistency.  Even with a lot of traffic, it seems some of those High North lines are actually smoothing out with the traffic and have dry dust covering the pack.  Regulator will be very firm in the AM. and should be avoided early on. Dress for morning weather.  Stay Frosty!!

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