7-03-14 by dave

I am now back in the High Desert dealing with the Orion Problem that seems to be abating at this point, but this is no time to be caught napping.   I wanted to take a minute to wish the Mountain Goddess ALTERIA  a happy 50 th birthday.  Her adventure suit may have taken 50 laps around SOL, but she, herself, is AGELESS.  She brings joy to life and touches all who spend time in her presence.  Here are two shots of Her Highness that capture her glowing spirit.  Note how she just happens to be reading Snowbird Secrets.  What she finds in those pages will help her, and you, find the open Portal to the VORTEX-57-58 on this hill and any other you visit.   Happy Birthday ALTERIA, speed safely on your Cosmic Journey. Peace Out!!  END TRANSMISSION:

One Response to “MOUNTAIN GODDESS”

  1. marie says:

    definately… “no time to be napping.” seeerrrriiiiooouuuusss busiiiineeessss.

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