1-09-10 by dave

A cloud deck obscured the Sun this Saturday keeping the faithful off doing other things. The trams were walk on light all day with few takers to slow down the process.  As anticipated, the firmness remained with just a few offerings of softness in the North sections, but they were slight and had to be found.  High pressure remains in control insuring a similar situation for tomorrow, hopefully with some added Sunlight to brighten the  view.  Flat light really takes it out of me after a while, especially when those errant Snow Snake reach out and grab me.  I took a ton of Anti- inflams after my encounter with the hard pan yesterday.  I can tell you I was feeling the pain in the AM., no doubt!  Hell,  I could have broken  my Oblongada or something similarly crucial!.  I will have to keep my eyes a bit more pealed in the future.     Tomorrow will provide smoking Groomers for the early risers.  I will get out the wings if it is sufficiently quiet, so as to not go down in flames; a distinct possibility if Friday’s BOUNCE is any indication.   See you in the AM. for the festivities!!! Ciao!

One Response to “9 BY NOON”

  1. George and Lisa Lewis says:

    On Jan 9th, I rode the first tram up with a couple friends and skied down Chips in flat light on autopilot to loosen up. I cruised off the cat tracks and onto the straightaway before the first left drop ahead of run out to Chips Face. Finding myself skidding on ice, I shifted position and bent my knees hard to cut a left on my Volkl Mantra edges. My intent was to stabilize but a suddent transition to soft snow resulted in leverage fueled by velocity. The physics cartwheeled me and I hit my right hip joint and the back of head with force in a seconds. I ended up standing at the edge of the drop, intact, without either ski releasing and surmise that my arm and hand must have gone down at some point on the snow to facilitate this trick.

    Another lesson learned:

    Kristen Ulmer deserves my thanks for her gift of helmut (signed) and advice to wear same a few years back. Due to the fact that I am old school, I don’t always wear it all the time. I was fortunate to have worn it on Jan 9th; especially in flat light.

    I am appreciative that my wife, Lisa, regularly reminds me to wear the helmut out of love and concern for my safety. She knows I like to ride the last tram and occasionally take a hike to higher ground with Scott A.

    As an old school sizzler, I am admittedly somewhat stubborn.

    It is nice to go sans helmut on a sunny day when one plans to just cruise around and take it easy…

    Due to the flat light on Jan 9th, I chose wisely and the decision helped me avoid a concussion and possible ride with the Ski Patrol.

    Women are generally more intelligent than men.

    Sizzlers…remember the (Special Forces) 5 P principle: Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance!

    Ski to Live, Live to Ski!


    The “GMAN”

    p.s. back at the Bird March 6th to 20th and looking forward to race day over St Patrick’s Week

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