2-24-17 by dave

These are amazing days with continual snowfall that lives up to the lore of LCC.  With a storm total well North of 40” there came the issues of so much accumulation.  The road closure this morning had the traffic backed up for miles and when the Canyon opened it was only for a while before it reclosed due to a slide.  Those folks that did get up, and those who were on hand at the resort, were treated to legendary conditions with very little pressure.  Here is a shot I pulled off of Facebook. It was posted by my friend Matt Kirchner who took this selfie that said it all.  This is the face of supreme happiness and this is one guy who knows how to get it done.  What more is there to say when the conditions go so far into the Legend Zone.  Tomorrow, look for more amazing conditions as there is still more waiting in the wings.  There will be high pressure for the goods and  I know that everyone who gets up for the occasion will get to participate in what will become stories that are told for a long time to come.  I will be taking the day off as usual, even though I had to bail on today due to the road issues, but I will be there in spirit.  Enjoy these days that we have dreamed of, and which have arrived.  Stay Frosty!!

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