1-24-25 by dave

The weather dude promised partly cloudy skies for the morning session, but a cloud deck had descended out of the North, fully shrouding the Sun and turning out the lights in a big way. Details on the hill were difficult to discern, and driving on inner vision was needed to get a feel for the fall line. The Tram was down in the AM, but the light traffic got the folks up the hill with no waiting and lots of machine worked lines to keep the stoke alive. Mineral Basin was also offering very flat light, however the prepared lines there were consistent and the Lewis and Clark lines were smooth, fast, and really fun.

Keeping a heads up approach to the hill is paramount these days with traffic, variable light, and changing conditions. A lot is happening all the time, with the unexpected coming into play. Good to keep in mind. Tomorrow, look for a storm day as the front will be moving in overnight and stalling, which will deliver an indeterminate accumulation, but I am visualizing a nice 20″ delivery. Who’s with me? The hill is in great shape for this installment, and after a solid survey of the existing features, many great lines will be coming on strong for a full fall line attack. Visibility will be marginal and I expect an increase in attendance. I’ll be taking the day off to deal with incidentals. Keep it tight!!

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