4-01-15 by dave

The weather dealt out an April Fool’s fake out today, by only delivering a mere trace of Essence and extremely cold morning temps.   The last of the clouds pulled off the peak just as the first Tram hit the dock, and Mineral Basin was lit up brightly.  White Diamonds had been given a fresh till, but the Lower Silver Dipper section had been bypassed this time.  The tenderizing  made the first laps good to go, but the cold North wind sent me to ride the Forklift Chair until things began to break.  Here is a shot of the trace on the Peak Tram Dock.  That trace did  make a difference on the Groomed runs before the break by giving the pack just a bit of tooth to get a bit of traction.  DSC02755I dressed up for the day as the peak temp. was chillingly low with a stiff breeze to make it seem extra cold.  Here is a shot of the Peak Temp. that seemed to make a mockery of the first of April, but that might just be the joke.  DSC02756The temps. were going to be painfully slow to warm, and only the aspects that saw the direct rays were even hinting at a break.  By 2:00PM some aspects were getting the nice feel, while other aspects were just bullet proof.  I left at 3:00PM with only a light fuzz coming up on Big Emma.  Tomorrow, look for weather to be in the mix for the morning hours, with a few inches predicted in the early morning hours. If this kind of cold continues, there will not be much chance of a break.  We will just have to wait and see.  Look to the Tenderized lines for the best feel, but if there is fresh cover that won’t be as much of a concern. DSC02757 Here is a shot of a very Bold Fashion Statement that I saw on the Plaza that winked at the April Fool’s day feel, but he wore this with confidence.  Nice touch!!  See you for whatever we see in the AM.  Ciao!!

One Response to “APRIL FIRST”

  1. Mark Jones says:

    Nice job Dave. Love the shots of the peak. Thanks for the ART!

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