Bailed Out

4-26-09 by dave

A murky Sunday morning dawned with hard rain on the thin roof signaling a powder morning.  The faithful showed up in force and brought the members of other congregations to share in the festivities.  Fully 12” of higher density snow cushioned the crunch making the product very skiable indeed.  Most of the lifts are closed so the Tram line was burgeoning without let up.  The snow continued with intent and stacked up the depth as the day wore on.  The sun stayed shrouded by the clouds preserving the quality.  I have to admit that I was not down with the 4 Tram wait , so I bailed to take care of business at home.  Tomorrow should be clearer so the quality will go South rapidly so plan on that .  I will have to see how things look tomorrow and give you all a more complete assessment, so until then enjoy!!

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