1-07-14 by dave

There was a very light turn out for first Tram this morning and I was able to do a little ballroom dancing on the Tram ride up to the peak. Here is as shot of Blue Bell going for a full dip as we did a mean tango.  DSC01733 Out on the hill the light was flat as the overcast began to cover the Sunrise as we began the day.  The Groomers were the best option as you could trust the consistency of the cat work and take advantage of the light wind transported coating.  The greasy spots were still in play and needed to be considered when hitting the gas.  There were a couple of very nice sections where you could dig in deep, but, overall, you had to be quick to deal with the variations.  There was a quick window of sunshine that popped open and I took that opportunity to hit Mineral Basin to check out the lines.  The wind buff from yesterday was still resident, but did not get resurfaced, so hitting the High North sections out there were the best call as well as the always reliable Groomer quality.  Snow began falling around Noon, increasing in intensity as the day went on, which cushioned the dance floor nicely.  Tomorrow, look for over night snow to have been delivered, with continued snow throughout the day.  Visibility will also continue to be an issue, so remember your lines for best results.  Off trail continues to have the usual rumble but will be getting better as the Essence accumulates.  The entrances to all of the upper steep sections remain dubious, and require a very deliberate approach.  Be aware.  See you in the AM for the freshness.   Ciao!!

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