1-21-11 by dave

The Sun was out, the Groomers were off the chart buffed, and the traffic was light, so I reached out and got every bit of today that I could grab.  I was able to bring out the Wings for 2 blistering flights on each side of the front, going super sonic.  I had to put them away when the hill traffic got a bit too unpredictable to call at such envelope pushing speeds.  I have to be very cognizant of the politics of speed.  Even though I put them away, it did not detract from the unbridled rippage that was available.  Lower Primrose was given a till just before opening, delivering cold, satin, perfection that had to be caressed in place of a shralping to really get all of the nuance that was in play.  All my time was not spent entirely on the groomers,  I made a number of sojourns out on the traverses to get a first hand look, finding some very iffy access points to the steep aspects.  That crust is still lurking about with some severely  greasy sections.  The overnight wind also played a part in the off trail crud getting set up and a touch slabbed over on most aspects, though there was some very soft and consistent fluff hiding in the West facing hollows and the North facing trees.  There is snow forecast for tonight and tomorrow, so look for some variable visibility associated with continually improving coverage.  That crust is still going to be an issue, so be aware of that bit of trickiness.  Another note of caution is the BLACK ICE that is lurking in the Canyon.  Do not think that the ICE is relegated to just the lower part of the Canyon, as two vehicles spun out into the snow bank at the White Pine Trail head just seconds ahead of my arrival.  There was nothing to be done for them as they were axle deep  off the shoulder.   Wooops!   I am taking my day off tomorrow, so make the turns for me, and be sure to check out the Northface Event that is ongoing, with amazing demonstrations of envelope shattering chops.   Peace Out!!!

One Response to “BIG DAY”

  1. That is good to know, you gave me some thing to consider on commute to house from my girlfriends. Will you be writing far more about this topic? FYI I tried your rss button and it didnt work. I will try once more in a few hours.

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