11-20-10 by dave

The wind pounded the trailer relentlessly all night long, making me have to spend the morning re aligning the aerial array after the wind knocked it out of  whack.   The wind continued all day ahead of the next system which is moving through the valley as I write this.  As this is my day off,  I took the opportunity to get those day off things done.  The mountain was still getting the wind scour, and with a bit of luck the breakable might have begun to solidify under the wind pressure.   With the new snow fall, remember those open slope reefs that blew clean on both sides of the hill.  The new snow will improve the conditions markedly, giving the entire mountain a real bump in the direction of GREAT.  This past week of training has really found all the sore points as I ski myself into shape.  I will be looking forward to being able to load the entire ski though the entire turn.  The  variability is keeping that consistency from happening.  I did, however, feel it that one morning on Big Emma, when the 6” of velvet just put it over the top.  I am excited about the prospects of this storm that is moving in right now,  I know you are as well.  For those who are making their way here; You will be rewarded!!! See you tomorrow!!! TA!

3 Responses to “BIG WIND”

  1. Daniel says:

    I went up today for my first day of the season. The early morning provide some of the smoothest lines I’ve ever had pre-Thanksgiving. There was a good 2-3 inches everywhere on top of a solid and not too icy base. The best lines of the day were off the Upper Cirque and I was shocked when some of the deeper turns resulted in full on face shots. The wind really showed up around noon, and the day took a turn for the worse when I got stuck in a crowded/delayed tram next to some old dudes ripping some SBD’s. Here’s to a huge storm the next few days!

  2. EB says:

    Guru Dave,

    I have been following your posts this season in preparation for my trip to Snowbird in two weeks. From reading your posts, I have learned more about how to ski a mountain and how to use the weather conditions to maximize your fun than I have from any lesson. I owe you a beer!

  3. Powderchaser says:

    Hi Dave:

    Great reports! I am in town for the dumps and if you can email me in regards to a link to it would be great. DUMPAGE is on the way for the next 3 days!

    Powderchaser Steve

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