12-22-12 by dave

DSC01118The big wind continued today, knocking the Trailer around soundly while I was trying to get a signal from Andromeda, but there was nothing but static.   Up on the hill the wind was still working the slopes, though there was precious little to transport after yesterday, but it did continue to smooth the lines that were set up perfectly.  The wind did some serious damage to the Cirque Traverse, and the Baldy Traverse as there is exposed reef all along the line, which demands attention and a very low line.  Some of the favorite guts have accumulated the goods and are really special when they get like this.  The wind is still rocking the Trailer tonight as I write this, so tomorrow look for those nice lines to be refurbished for the early crowd.  Be cautious of the West facing lines as they really got scoured and are very greasy and scalloped.  The next impulse is on it’s way, hence the wind, so we are going to have a very happy holiday season.  I will be hitting the Jump Room to make the trip to the Mother Ship which is still parked off the South Pole.  If you are in New Zealand check the sky and look for a strobing star that is constantly changing color and there I will be.  I will return after the holiday, but I will still be posting, though I will not be able to load photos as there is no band width on the Hyper Channel.  Have a great time with the new Essence.   IBBY!!!

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