2-16-12 by dave

The Sun was out in all it’s glory this morning after the past few days of variable visibility.   The Groomers were unreal in Mineral Basin, again, with the Baldy Express feeling like your own personal lift.  Later in the morning a line built up back there, as folks took a look into the glowing bowl.   There were clouds lower in the Heber Valley, which made it seem like we were in the heavenly realm, but then….. we were!!!!   Regulator was smooth to a fault, but it was beginning to firm up, though there was some soft dust on top to make it feel like velvet.  Off trail, the rumble is building up quickly, so you will have to deal with that vibratory level, though, with the sunny skies, it is easier to scope out the smoother lines.  The off trail crud is holding the softness, and even though there is the Harbor Chop build up,

the piles are fully  blastable, exploding easily with no deflection.   That is the great feature of these colder days, with the snow pack holding the quality even with the Sun working the product.  Tomorrow, look for the Groomers to to again offer some carvalicious quality, letting you drop a hip into the turn, getting all the ski can deliver.  Can you handle the snap if you do that?   I was reminiscing with some friends about how, not too long ago, we were slipping and sliding, grabbing desperately for any grip at all.  Now you can lay into the turn with full confidence.  More snow is in the forecast, and the hill is set up to take advantage of any installment.  See you there for another rock and roll festival!!!   Peace Out!


  1. marie says:


    nice seeing you in the tram line. thanks for the intellectual conversation. little did i know that i would leave mineral basin with blue bird sky, eat a snack, and then go up in the tram hardly able to see out the window for the fog. fast change.

    it was two ski days in one. (a bargain !)

    hasta luego, marie

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