3-10-13 by dave

The skies cleared off for today with bright Sun, but DSC00546with a brisk North wind that kept the heat from building up too much.  This was the first day in many that I was able to get out and get a look after my encounter with the Cat Track.  I was just doing the Golf Cart pace to be sure not to aggravate the injury, but it was great being out and about again.  The wind had transported some of the product to cover the groomers and fill in some nice lines here and there.   Soft accumulation was a bonus, as folks were getting the goods as they found them.  The Big Smooth was once again buffed to a living room shag excellence that got better with each run, as the shavings added to the softness. Yum.  The High North was still fairly smooth, thought the interference patterns were building back in with the traffic.  The left overs were still soft and blastable, but there was still some crunch going on under the South facing aspects that were a tad bouncy.   The day remained brisk, though the direct Sun exposures were going to heat up no matter what with the clarity of the sky.  Tomorrow, look for the High North to continue to offer soft snow, and some low amplitude rumble, but those South facing shots will be firm, even those that have been worked.  This will not be the filling rattling kind that develops later in the spring, but expect to work the edges to keep the grip.  Here is a shot of the far reaches covered with the transported goodness, accented by areas that were stripped of that accumulation. The variations are easy to spot, so aim for the smooth.   I am back on the hill now, but I will be favoring the wing, so I will be on a slow burn.  IBBY!!

2 Responses to “BRISK MORNING”

  1. Brady says:

    I’ve just discovered this blog. I love it. But What’s the Big Smooth? (Regulator? I’m guessing?) And the High North? (Upper Cirque / Great Scott I’m guessing?).

  2. dave says:

    The consistent Grooming of Anderson’s Hill and Lower Primrose Path has can be counted on to provide nearly 2000′ of perfect, smooth, big mountain terrain. It always reminds me of the Tri Chutes out in White Pine when I ski it. When the wind adds the goods to the smooth it gets beyond good, into the exquisite realm. Yum!!

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