Cadillac Automatic

4-01-09 by dave

A smooth classy ride is the only was to characterize Wednesday’s snow.  You know, drivin down the highway at 100 MPH.  Reporting only 7” to start, the true magnitude of this instalment was , by far, understated.  Heavy lake effect snow was dumping with a brief canyon closure, which opened in good time.  The  mountain opened a bit late as the real depth was significant, and becoming more so, as the white gold mounted up.  Once again the consistency was unreal and deep deep deep.  Yesterday’s wind had smoothed the underlying base so yet another level of perfection was waiting for the faithful, who made their way up the canyon any way possible.  How can you rank perfect.  Is there an 11 on a 1 to 10 scale?  Well I guess it is just that one bit more!   How much more, and how much better does it get.  I suppose it could have been 4 % , but I digress.    All aspects skied great.  Mineral Basin opened later in the day and was ground pounding, with few folks hip to the opening.  The sun made an appearance late in the day and began the warming process, but did not get too carried away.  Tomorrow is forecast to be fair so the sun will play a role in the Game plan.  North will stay good and cold, but the other exposures are sure to take the heat morphing the powder to paste.  Get there early for best results.  Perhaps Little Cloud will open, but bear in mind that the upper elevations took a serious beating  from the wind so care should be taken on the initial approach.  More storms are lined up for us so this ain’t over by a long shot!!!

One Response to “Cadillac Automatic”

  1. Hi just checking if they gave you your book (the 12th planet ) back at the forklift where i had left it. happy skiing Martin

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