11-21-14 by dave

The cloud deck had moved off overnight leaving a beautifully clear morning for the first day of operation.  Yesterday was just a sneak peak, but the Zoom Chair opened at 9:00 Am sharp to a light but enthusiastic crowd.   The only run open had been re worked and offered firm but very nice corduroy for the first hour. As the Sun came up over the ridge, the visibility and detail improved as well as warmed the air.  Here is a shot of the full on snow  making efforts going strong all over the hill. Check out the Light Orbs attending the festivities in the morning sunshine. DSC02293 A big tip of the hat to the Snow Making and Cat Crew for putting such a nice cover on the hill. I did not see any rocks or grass on the main run top to bottom.   The lower road from the Center to the lifts is in great shape as well as the Bass Highway to get you back at the end of the day.   The Shuttle is working as well if you want to take that route.  BIG weather changes will be moving into the area tomorrow, beginning in the afternoon, and continuing through Monday.  A substantial accumulation is expected, which will give the hill just what it needs to kick off the Thanksgiving weekend.  Confidence is high on this storm and the hill is in great shape to take on a fresh coat of the Goodness. Tomorrow, look for the Zoom Chair to still be the only lift open on the main mountain.  The wind will be picking up ahead of the storm, so dress for weather.  I will be taking the day off to get some alignment work done on the antenna array, as the TRANSMISSIONS are coming in hard and fast these days.  I must be ready for the downloads.  See you Sunday!!  Stay Frosty!!

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