Chill Zone

3-15-09 by dave

Sunday morning had been predicted to be a bit stormy, but the sun was out and the cold north westerly flow was still holding, keeping the temps brisk.  The South and West facing exposures had been affected by the high sun angle and was a tad crusty for the morning.  The North facing still held some nice soft dry snow.  The lower mountain had machine cream stirred up to treat us to some very nice cold dust.  There were some extraneous cookies here and there,  but nothing that could not be avoided.  The light was a bit flat and overnight wind had driven pine cones over the run giving some needed definition.  Very light traffic, once again, left lift access unimpeded for the vert crew .  Temps struggled upward but were held short by the light overcast and cold breeze.  The crud in North facing is still winter like, but requires a more technical approach.  I don’t see tomorrow being too much different than today with even lighter attendance.  Spring break is coming up so expect attendance to remain constant; early morning for the best rockin runs.  I think the wings might make an appearance this week.  Going super sonic;  KABOOM!!!

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