2-10-24 by dave

The cycle has passed and the morning dawned clear and cold, illuminating the hill in high definition, which was a treat after days of very difficult visibility. Light fluffy Essence was on tap and The Faithful were on deck for the occasion and ready to sample the remaining untracked lines. They were not disappointed, as there were great lines to be had all over the hill.

Bonnie Rothman driving an perfect line and getting all of it on Galande Hill.
Kevin Canton dancing in the righteous Utah light.
Mikey M dropping in to Baldy shoulder on a perfectly smooth face

Today could be argued to be the best day of the season, but it is hard to judge with so many great days in the recent past. I can’t decide, so I will just log it into my memory as a very special experience. Tomorrow, look for more cold temps, more soft lines, with some lines still to be found, so keep an eye out and visualize your best intention. Dress for cold, but the Sun will be out so will help keep the snow soft and workable. This is still a great time of year for snow preservation. Stay Frosty!!

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