3-09-23 by dave

Last night’s impulse moved through quickly and left a delightful installment of light density Essence on all sides of the hill, with very little wind work. There was a breeze in the AM, but it did not really move any of the product. There were amazing lines all over, that felt great and offered some really explosive lines where the new snow seemed a bit deeper.

Mikey M blowing up the product on Baldy, taking advantage of the push for Mineral Basin.

Mineral Basin was offering huge wide open lines of freshness that pulled much of the traffic back there, leaving the front side of the hill with much less traffic and smooth carpets that let you dial in the high edge angles. Some new and exciting lines had been prepared and the rarity kept them out of mind and smooth all day from lack of attention.

Neil sent this shot of his line down Candelabra along the Gad Chutes. He too took advantage of the push in Mineral.

The temps were cool and the snow stayed soft and refrigerated all day, resisting being affected by the high Sun angle. Tomorrow, look for the next impulse in the line up of weather to be in effect. Look for a storm day, with marginal visibility. The hill is still in great shape and this will really add to the overall smoothness wall to wall. I was checking out lines all day just to log the variations in my mind. Dial it up, Dial it in!!!

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