4-06-10 by dave

Well, well, well… When the waves get too big, no one goes out and no one was going out or up today.  I was eagerly waiting for the Go sign, but it never came.  The site was saying that inter lodge and straight line travel was the only activity on the hill today with, perhaps, Chickadee chutes opening for a short time.   The mountain itself remained closed all day, so I can not speak with any informed information, though I will speculate that it was huge.  When The North Shore gets too big the breaks close out, leaving no paddle in access.  Since this is the North Shore  ” 7 Mile Miracle” of the ski world, I think it fitting to use the same metaphor in this particular instance.  Closed Out- condition Black.. These times only happen rarely and this will be one of the legends that we will talk about 10 or so years down the line when we say… ” Oh yeah, remember that cycle in 2010, where you here for that one?”.   Or some thing along those lines.  Kind of exciting and chilling at the same time.  The Sun has been peaking out, here at the Trailer, all day with periods of light snow, and I think of the earlier times when the speculation was  that it was over for the year.  I never had any doubts, but this exceeds my expectations soundly.  I think we will be able to get back up for tomorrow, but check the reports for access.   I get my info the same as everyone else, so we are all in it together.  See you tomorrow, knowing that it is still untrammeled.   Peace Out!!

7 Responses to “CLOSED OUT”

  1. Frand004 says:

    Guru Dave!

    Keep your fingers crossed for tomorrow. With luck it’ll go from closed out to triple overhead point break off-shore conditions with bros throwing high fives in the lineup and the aggro vibes left behind in Cali. The season hasn’t been off the chain but this week should make up for it; pull in as deep as you can handle, time to get covered up in the powder room!


  2. That "new" Guy says:

    You get the award for the most excellent use of untrammeled ever seen in cyberspace and maybe most other dimensions. Here’s hoping you get to help trammel soon and thus remain gruntled, as we would hate to see a disgruntled Gu.

  3. Johnna says:

    We have loved your blog and have read it everyday since we got here last Saturday. Awesome descriptions of everything Snowbird !
    Today is Oahu’s ‘Eddie’ at Snowbird if they open the mountain.

    I just saw Avalanche Control’s Helicopter (they have one right ?) fly over the bypass road going down the canyon. I have NOT seen one plow hitting it as of 6:45am.

    I am looking out from my vantage point, a half mile above the resort, as the sun comes up in a cloudless sky and watching the cats groom the usual groomers. Please Mr.Cat driver man…flatten as little as you can 🙂
    Powder TIme !~

  4. Eric Hoffman says:

    Enjoy an epic day, Guru Dave. Looking forward to your report.

  5. Erika says:

    Much delight to be discovering your site! If not for my new bundle of joy, i would be hitting the slopes today (looks like the lifts will open, though delayed) and you will have a bluebird day! Enjoy! Miss you and our tram talks 🙂 See you next season. Til then, I will be living vicariously through your blog (and enjoying some 80 degree weather here in NY — loving this April weather)!
    <3 Erika

  6. Heh Guru Disco Man —

    It be a blast from da past — Dr. Dick — small world — had dinner w Jim Brown who claims he has a locker space next to yours at DaBird—and toild me about you web site —- what a small, strange world it is — Miss you man, da bird and the other sizzlers — I’m still on the right side of the grass — skied prob 80 days this year — coaching, small hill 10 minutes from my house — Haven’t skied a real hill in 4 yrs — but, you would enjoy Kicking Horse — reminds me of the bird late 70’s — with an extra thou of ver tickle —

    If you get this, shoot me a reply – use my e-mail — give my best to Gramps, Kurt, Mark, Kitty and Matt.

    Bestest — and, keep em turnen — Dr. Dick

  7. dave says:

    Hey Dick. Glad you found this site. Ill get to you Via the web. be well!!

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