Cold Air Hangs Tough

3-13-09 by dave

Friday morning still had the cold northerly flow in force.  Blue bird day in the offing and some unreal grooming to start the fire.  The Down Hill in Mineral was race ready and wide open just for us.  Took a tour of the south facing and found that the cold had held off the melt which left those groomers dry and chalky.  The Freeride Contest was in session on the Silver Fox -Upper Cirque section so those areas remained out of play, but the contestants were shredding it with awesome performances!!!  The patrol shot several sections of the cornice in Little Cloud with spectacular slides down Old Reliable.  This area remained closed until the cats straightened out the slide debris after which we were treated to wide and smooth ball room dancing!!  You have to love perfection and take advantage of it when and where you find it.  The crud is still stiffening up over all , but remains quite soft and pliable in the deep north facing trees.  The lower elevations are becoming even stiffer and bumpier with  increased traffic .  Light traffic, again, left the lift lines free for maximum vertical.  The cold and light north breeze kept  most aspects carvable.  The due south faces got a touch moist but not terminal so they can still be counted on for goodness later tomorrow when the sun plays them.  Be sure and take in the Finals of the Contest which will be held on West Baldy ensuring a spectacular finale to a great week of full throttle rock and roll.

One Response to “Cold Air Hangs Tough”

  1. Dave Hanson says:

    Heh, Dave, great report! Good skiing Fri. Looks like it’s warming quick today (Sat.). By the way, no problem entering comments–just click the “No Comments” (or Comments) link.

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