1-14-16 by dave

Full on storm riding was the order of the day today as fresh medium density Essence covered the dance floor.  Visibility was at a premium and the go to call was toward the trees.  The morning crew opted to test the white out conditions out in Powder Paradise and the Lewis and Clark area.  The smooth Groomers were covered with 4 to 5 inches of beautiful frosting that felt sumptuous and sooo spreadably smooth.  Private resort like laps were great for the morning session.   On the front of the hill, good accumulation was on tap, but seemed to be getting more affected by the wind that was still moving with the impulses of the storm.  Accumulation was slow, even though snow was falling all day long.  I was able to do a bit of exploring, looking for what the wind had done in the last days.  DSC03420Here is a shot of the Valley where the clouds had broken and the Sun was shining.  I never did clear up on the hill however.  Tomorrow, look for another storm day, as the next system moves in during the early morning hours.  Look for the smooth lines for the best ride, but the off trail was getting better with each inch of accumulation.  The interference patterns that exist will need quite a bit to fill them in, but the cushion makes them much more approachable.  Dress for cold, and add an extra layer for those chair rides. DSC03423 Here is parting shot of little Trapper, who was being introduced to the Locker Room end of day tradition.  He will be tearing it up before long!!   See you there for the new installment as it is delivered.  Stay Frosty!!

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