3-12-10 by dave

Friday morning was a blue bird day from the word Go with incredible groomers in every location thanks to the masterful efforts of the Cat crew.   Many thanks folks!!   Lower Primrose was once again buffed to perfection in preparation for the Snow Cup that is coming up this week end.  Perfect carve-ability was to be had  wall to wall.  They left it open for us to enjoy all day.  The cold temps were still with us, though they had moderated from yesterday’s chill zone, keeping most of the aspects dry and chalky well into the afternoon.   The direct exposures were certainly kissed with the radiant heat, so be on the look out for crustiness in those obvious areas in the AM.  The cold and dry quality of the snow let the turns throw curtains of cold smoke into the air, which hung there like glowing clouds in the bright Sun light.   The high North aspects still hold the cold and dry with low amplitude bumps in the less traveled section, though the build up is much more significant in the high traffic areas.   Upper Silver Fox is closed for and event, so that will be off limits for the next bit, but there is plenty of real estate to make up for that.   Weather moving in will bring flat light and snow tomorrow into Sunday, so I am excited about the prospect of fresh sauce on the hill.  Spring break is on right now, so I expect a fair turn out ; be looking to the empty chairs to get quicker access to the hill.   I will not be attending tomorrow with the day off mandatory for the knees and overall body fatigue.   Have a great day and rip it up for me!!!  Thanks much!   Ciao!!

One Response to “COLD SMOKE”

  1. Randall J says:

    Dave, It’s alway’s great to see you! Skiing Friday was FUN, FUN, FUN. please tell me agin the name of the boot the you recomended.
    Thanx, Randall J

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