4-16-13 by dave

photo-1 It was cold again this morning, with light snow and a big turn out by the faithful for today’s festivities.  There was only 2” of accumulation on top of yesterday’s still soft installment, but it really went along way in keeping the Winter feel going.  Visibility was at a premium again today, and newly opened sections stayed out of mind in the fog, letting the cognoscenti get the goods that had the full depth intact.  Bonus!!  The Groomers had been tilled beautifully, leaving the old crusty layer somewhere in memory, only to be found on the very lowest elevations of the hill.  With only a few lifts still in operation, the Tram was backed up solidly, but a fast cycle speed kept the momentum going nicely.  The hill is in great shape, but be aware of the West faces, which still are sporting some of the hidden debris from the last  warm spell.  Tomorrow, look for some additional accumulation from overnight, as the Low Pressure is moving through and the unsettled air mass can trigger a lake effect.  When I left today, it was snowing some ultra light Essence that you see in the depth of the Winter, so expect greatness once again, and get this Winter reprieve while it lasts.  Here is a shot taken by my friend Dave, out  past the Hillary Step, when he was the first one through the gate.  It was all his, and, if you are lucky, it can be all yours as well.   Syrup won’t stop ‘Em!!


  1. M.J. says:

    The spring schedule shows gadzoom open to 4/29, the snow report shows 100″ plus. Rumor has it that on 5/13 the mountain will end our season for construction snow or not. Have you any real info? THANKS p.s. missed gadzoom today!

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