6-04-11 by dave

It was quite balmy as I pulled into the parking lot this morning.  I thought that it had not frozen, but it certainly had, though not as deeply as Friday morning.  A couple laps in Mineral Basin sent me to the Forklift Chair to await a softening at 9:30 AM. as projected.  By 10:00 AM the South faces and East faces were good to go, with the North and West facing aspects holding out until almost Noon.  Follow the Sun is the watch word these days, and today was a prime example of that verity.  I found some blissful corn goodness, which I lapped continually until it got too sticky.  Moving to the North faces, with exposures that clocked a bit toward the morning sunlight, offered the first breaks there, so subtle shifts in aspect was well worth paying attention to.  High cloud cover moved in after Noon, but the green house effect was working, and the dreaded glue spots started to crop up here and there.  After Noon, staying up high was the best bet, with the Little Cloud  chair accessing the last exposure hold outs of the day.  There was a great band on the Plaza, so plan on hanging out and catching the set after you quit for the day.  Tomorrow, look for the same timing for softening, though if this cloud cover hangs in all night the timing might go off earlier.  An early start still gives you the option to bail to the Forklift Chair if you need to kill some time while the Sun works the hill.  It certainly is my favorite Chair.  There is still some stashes of corn to get, but they require some time and effort to access.  The Groomers were tenderized just before opening, so there was some traction to get an edge into, keeping the skittering, pig on ice feeling to a minimum.  I will be there for first Chair and will make my decisions from that point.  See you in the AM.   Ciao!!

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