9-12-16 by dave

dsc04021The nights have been cool since Labor Day, which seems to have accelerated the colors changing on the hill.  While it is still a fair way from peak, the vibrant colors are really starting pop on the hill.  Lower Silver Fox is looking like Persian Rug with all the colors mixing and melding.  Here is a shot looking down at Tanner’s Flat from the peak when I was enjoying a perfect day for Oktoberfest.  While I was on the peak I was surveying the terrain, looking for the high reefs and grassy areas that will be good to have logged in the back of my mind for the early season.  Heredsc04022is shot looking down Canyon from the peak.  All the scree gets covered and it is amazing that we get to rip these lines when it all gets PHAT.   Down on the Plaza, there was a festive crowd enjoying the ambience  and libations.  I picked up a couple of outer wear items at the Kuhl tent, where they were offering great discounts.  This is the time to buy.  I also ran into Chris and Patsy, who I have know for over 20 years and I had a great time catching up.  Chis and I come from the same York Beach Maine stomping grounds when we were growing up, and we  discusseddsc04023all the folks we knew in common.  We did not know each other back in those days, but he knows all the same folks as well as my brother.  Small world.  Oktoberfest is going on for a good while yet, so be sure to get up there and enjoy the festivities and check out the deals in the shops.  It won’t be long now.  Speed Safely!!

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