4-12-11 by dave

There were few takers for the first Tam of the day, but for the few who did make it, there was some very nice and surprising Groomers to work with.  The upper mountain had  a silky corduroy creme like consistency, that just spoke speed.  Only the very lower part of the hill was frozen solid and required a bit of caution.  A bit of Sun was illuminating the dance floor, so the stage was set for back to back, ground pounding.  At 10:30 AM. the lower mountain began to break, and the satin softness offered solid traction for the remainder of the morning.  After Noon the clouds began to creep up the Canyon, reducing the visibility on certain segments of the hill.  The ambient temperature rose high enough to begin softening all the exposures, though the High North seemed to be holding the cold.  Tomorrow, look for, perhaps, some overnight accumulation, and a stormy day.  I think the new snow will begin filling in the low spots, providing increasingly improved conditions as the day progresses.  Be sure to keep the crustiness of the East, South , and West aspects in mind, as they are sure to be very tricky indeed.  More is on the way, and the Winter blast is going to keep the spring at bay for a bit longer.   Ciao!!!

One Response to “CORDUROY CREME”

  1. Steve Diamond says:

    I was one of the few who joined you on the first tram, and the “Corduroy Creme day” was a great way to start a week at Snowbird!

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