5-04-23 by dave

A lucky patch of Sunny clearing started out the day, and with the balmy temps, which still has a bit of cool to it, made the pack break right out of the Chute. Mineral Basin was offering the goods when the Tram opened at 8, but the front side was just breaking around 9. The Front side felt like smooth back country corn, which made every turn feel luxurious and silky. Lower on the mountain, the break was making the thin crust a tad punchable, but a light touch kept you on the top, but a hard edge set would send you through the crust. Regulator was feeling very nice at Noon, as it had a nice silky feel and a very smooth firm surface.

The Trailer made it through another Winter in fine style. A bit of TLC will be needed before heading for the High Desert.

Showers began rolling in around 1 PM. with clouds and flat light making visibility go South. Tomorrow, look for more stormy conditions as the Low Pressure moves closer and send continuous bands of moisture. Temps are predicted to drop as the Low passes, so the pack might get firmer. I’ll be watching the Bird Site in the AM for a better handle on the day. The Goodness of Maize!!!!

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