3-02-14 by dave

The faithful were, once again, on deck and ready to dance on the creamy and dreamy installment that still had a lot of life left in it.  The areas that had been closed yesterday opened as the control work was completed.  The snow quality was dense and granular, feeling much like beach sand under foot.  Even after it had been tracked out, the Essence maintained a soft consistent  feel that begged you to throw a bit more juice into each turn.  The overnight wind smoothed many of the high elevation aspects that kept me going back for more.  The high traffic jammed the Tram first off, but the chairs were offering quick and easy access with no waiting.  I zoomed around visiting the areas that I usually bypass to take advantage of the uncrowded lines.  The hill is in great shape all over the dial and you can not make a bad choice at this point, with only the very high traffic entrances offering any real gnar to deal with.  Tomorrow, look for some light snow to have fallen overnight, so there should be some freshies for the morning crew. DSC01884 Look to the Groomers for the ultimate in smoothness and carving excellence.  What a treat to have perfection a given when you hit the wide open corduroy.   Traffic should abate quite a bit, leaving plenty of room to uncork.  Got to love when the hill gets like this and you just point and shoot.  Here is a shot of the legendary BLISS BROTHER who were gearing up for the day down in the locker room.  They were in high spirits and ready to throw down and party.  See you there for the morning disco inferno!!!  IBBY!!

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