1-24-16 by dave

Another beautiful delivery of Essence was the present we all received on this day that I completed yet another lap around Ol SOL.  While visibility was at a premium as it continued to snow, it did not hamper the full on enjoyment that such luxurious fluffulescence delivered.  Many places were over knee deep, and when Mineral Basin opened, it was even deeper after the wind moved some product to add to the depth.  Everyone was going off and getting as much as possible.  I was looking for the lines that I have been waiting to fill out, and I found them to be well worth the wait.  You could not choose a bad line today no matter the aspect, and that is one of the great things about this time of the season.  After everything got opened up, the lines abated and there was rapid fire lifts to the peak.  That was a great feature that kept the stoke going.  I had to wrap things up around 2PM., when the harbor chop began to build as the pack got worked.  There were plenty of side stashes to keep you finding the fresh if you looked a bit. DSC03140 As today’s visibility made it tough to get a shot, I offer this shot of the center panel of the old front door of the Cliff Lodge.  This is an example of one of the little classy touches that makes Snowbird so great, plus the history that it reflects.  Tomorrow, look for a bit more accumulation as the storm moves off.  There is plenty still waiting in the wings, so if you missed out on today there are lines still waiting for you.  We should be seeing some clearing, making the visibility much better.  The Groomers should be off the chart smoking in the AM. before it gets too worked over.  See you there for the opening bell.  Syrup Won’t Stop ‘EM!!

One Response to “CREAMY & DREAMY”

  1. Nycha Schlegel says:

    Happy birthday!

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