5-03-10 by dave

And so it was that I throttled up THE GREEN TRUCK, slowly idling out of the drive way before engaging the hyperdrive  modulator to access the domain of the DARK ENERGY , where the forces of DARK MATTER were fully engaged with my fellow SUN FIGHTERS.  Back in the Wasatch, overnight wind had massaged the recent delivery into a creamier version of the special sauce that fell during this last cycle. The previously closed areas were opened for the lighter attendance of faithful, who were there to lick the proverbial BOWL clean .  Those lucky folks were truly dancing in one of the last bastions of fluffatudinous delight this side of Andromeda, and I should know as I passed that area about 10:30 AM. The high cloud deck and continued cold morning temps. kept things refrigerated and spreadable for the entire morning.  The high North facing aspects will have not succumbed to the rays of the spring Sun, but no doubt the infrared rays will be slowly cooking the product as we move into a freeze thaw cycle.  A dry cold front is forecast so tomorrow could present flat light and a bit more difficult crud, though the groomed runs will be really prime for high speed rock and roll without the hard glaze of the last corn cycle and the refreshed material.  There are new hours for the lifts, with the closing time being 3:00 PM and the Peruvian chair  now being out of the inventory, but the slower traffic should still leave walk on trams and, perhaps a 15 or 20 minute Tram schedule.  I have been granted another day reprieve to once again join my friends in the WHITE ZONE so I will be there early to, perhaps, fly the WINGS.  see you then.  In the mean time the SUN FIGHTERS stand ready to repel any incursions of DARK ENERGY into our domain, so fear not.  IBBY!!!


  1. TeleMama says:

    Ah alas, the powder time has passed so quickly & that dirty sun cooked our face shots into mishmash that could give you a bloody face if you drag it in that stuff. As they say, time flies when you’re having a self imposed burial on Mineral about 11:30 yesterday with as you say, “Can’t see the face shots deep”. I would call today the Electric Bluebird day in that I could finally see the place. Incredible the views from the top! It was still shady thus yummy on the Road to Provo when it opened. But I did get a bit of a pout on when I slid down the Mineral side first thing tis’ morning. What a difference a day makes!
    I enjoy your take on things Mr. G’, & before I bought a pass Saturday, I studied your entries diligently to understand the Zen of the Bird before embarking upon it’s steep & deep. The Season’s ticket guy asked if I’d had a pass before. I said, “Yes, in 1977. & could you please place that 19 year old face on this pass, please”.
    I had to eat the proverbial “crow” at the BIRD when I showed up groveling after the ticket to the BIG SNOW SHOW. What’s a girl to do? I tried not to look when the scary riders screamed by scraping all that beautiful pow right off the slope. I guess I haven’t eaten enough yet, eh – still bemoaning all that waste. I guess I’ve spent too much time further up the canyon and have been spoiled by its eliteness.
    So Mr. G’, what does IBBY mean, & what is the Dark Matter?
    May the Green Thing continue to escort you across the Wasatch Universe!!!

  2. Snowboard Guy says:

    Please don’t hate on us riders… I’ve seen plenty of skiers side slippin’ away the freshies.

  3. SundayCliffs says:

    My, oh my, oh my. And should one not read a book of beautiful snow if the Bookends holds such wild fantasies? And in the quest along the Road to Provo to slay any sundragons who dare challenge the White Gift, should one though oneself off the lip into the fluff? Yes, indeed, fly – be free. Thanks Guru Dave for keeping the Universe in balance.

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