Dave’s Not Here

4-16-09 by dave

I was not present at Thursdays festivities due to off world obligations,  but I have been advised, by highly placed sources, that the conditions were, again, note worthy.  The canyon opened at 8:00AM and the faithful were in full attendance.  Sunny skies gave way to overcast and then light snow later in the day.  Baldy, Mineral Basin , and Little Cloud opened with a full storm’s worth of product for those who attended.  The Tram line was full on until the other areas became available and the Tram was eased up considerably.  The snow quality was excellent and very skiable as the temps. remained rather cold.  I will be there tomorrow , so a more detailed overview will be forth coming.  I hope that those of you who did attend had a great time. No time to hang them up yet!!!

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