2-22-12 by dave

There was a combination of fresh dense Essence, high winds, some Sun, and some variable visibility just to make the day a full spectrum experience.  A delayed Tram opening sent the early crowd to the Zoom Chair, as the Peruvian Chair was delayed as well.  The fresh accumulation was very high density, which felt luxurious on the groomers, which was in contrast to the off trail combination Zipper Crust- wind deposited  lines, that made you try to follow the lines of accumulation, which mitigated the zipper Crust that was left over from yesterday’s rain event.  Over all, the day offered some very nice carving, but only if you had the right tools.  I took out some 85mm sticks, but found them to be not up to the task of dealing with the wild variations.  I pulled out the 115mm Guns which improved the consistency markedly.   Mineral Basin and Road to Provo did not open at all, and with the forecast for more snow tonight, those areas will probably be delayed in opening in the morning.  The high winds of the day began to transport the product to the low areas, filling in the troughs significantly.  Tomorrow, look for the smooth lines on the High North, which seemed to be getting the most of the wind treatment.  Look for improved coverage in some of the choke points, as the wind seems to be helping those sections, but be wary of the gnar that is just below the filling.   Here is a shot of the wild clouds that were moving through at high velocity, looking rather fluid as they flew past.  Be there early for best results.   Ciao!!


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