3-06-11 by dave

This was one of my favorite powder days, one where the Essence comes in fast, hard, and keeps building up, getting better as the day progresses.  The first few Trams were walk on fast, but the faithful began to filter in as the morning wore on, though the line was never problematic in the least.  The light density Essence still let the bottom features reflect through, so attention to the underlying relief patterns paid off with a much smoother ride.  After the wind work earlier this week, there were many smooth sections to chose from. The Groomers provided full on consistency, with Adager  featured as the treat of the lower mountain.  The continuous snow fall also kept refreshing the dance floor, with untracked depths toward the sides of the runs, and deep build up in the trees.  The High North facing aspects were getting filled in extra deep with the transported snow, making those shots fully knee deep in places.  I saw full on face shots going off to the joy of the chargers hitting those aspects.  Tomorrow look for some serious accumulation, as the storm is predicted to continue until who knows when, so be sure to check the road access report before heading up in the AM.  This quality product will be delivering another Legendary session, so be sure to be fully rested to take advantage of the goodness.  All aspects will be offering the goods, so there are no qualifications that I can offer , as there will be Tales of Powder where ever you chose to be.  What a season this is, it will go down as one of the big ones of long memory.  Since today was so unphotogenic, here, for your consideration, is another shot I took of a major LYRAN observation craft just watching the fun, as they don’t know what fun is. We showed them though, didn’t we?   Ciao!

LYRAN observation craft

One Response to “DUMPING HARD”

  1. tom says:

    yea dave, today was one of those days you just have to love being a storm rider. we saw the snowcam going off at about 11am & decided to head up … did the 1 to 4 sesh & it was super fun.

    funny you mention faceshots … here’s some video of my wife getting hit hard with one on the gad side: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMhWTce1Ob0

    good stuff!

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