12-30-09 by dave

The canyon road was greasy this Wednesday morning with consistent snow falling. No delays on first Tram, but the faithful were not slacking today.  3 and 4 Tram waits were the rule and the line persisted as I was leaving.  The new snow is delightful and seems to bonding to the old surface, however , in the man made areas slick conditions persist underneath the new snow.  Andersen’s Hill has not had a fresh groom in a while, letting long low bumps develop in the main line. There is ledge showing through in those break over sections as is usual.  Sticking to the tight right will get you some smooth and soft turns.  The heavy snow fall in addition to the strong wind kept refreshing runs all day. This snow should begin to buffer some of the past nastiness and get the entrances more realistic.  Great Scott is still sketchy, with a kick turn approach the most prudent.  The Middle Cirque was deep with the upper section still posing hidden surprises.  The bumps have been filled and look smooth, do not be lulled into a false sense of smoothness.  I was getting knocked around sending me looking for smoother lines.  Along the tree lines provided the best visibility as well as the smoothest lines.   Snow making continues in the trouble spots, so be careful underneath them.   More snow tonight will necessitate a look at the road report before heading out.  Much more  terrain will now be in play ; yeahoo!  I took a run out in Mineral Basin and found the cover to be getting better with bumps developing on the popular lines. The visibility was marginal but the snow deep none the less.  Things are looking good to go so GO!!

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