2-02-22 by dave

Uber light Lake effect snow fell on the hill, leaving it coated with a skiff of dust on crust. The air was very cold and the residual clouds were making the visibility quite variable. Still, that little bit of freshness went along way toward making the ride just that much smoother and delightful. Traffic was very light and walk on Trams were going off again today.

Getting to the goods takes care and commitment. But the pay off is legendary!

Tomorrow, look for more very cold temps with more Sun as the impulse moves East. I expect some wind to be part of the equation, so dress for the chill factor. I was using my Darth Vadar mask and it helped keep my nose from freezing. Smooth lines still are happening all over the hill, so look for those lines as you scan the playing field. See you there for the cold start!! Dial it up, Dial it IN!!

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