2-05-10 by dave

A mere dusting of ultra light flakes covered the groomers making first tracks a bonus.  Perfect is a matter of degree and in this instance it was 3MM of depth perfect.   There was quite a rush for the Tram first off but seemed to back off as the morning progressed.  I ventured off trail to look around, finding things still a bit choppy I migrated back to the groomers which got deeper as the day progressed.  Perhaps 2 inches fell  during the day, raising the softness factor by the degree.   Many areas  were as good as it gets, in my humble opinion.  Perfect carve ability, no ice, and good to go sections  is a sure recipe for fun!  The visibility was variable all day with sections of fog.  The trees helped with definition on the upper mountain and visibility was much better down low.  I did want to mention that I have been checking out Gad 2 for cover and it is looking fairly well covered , with sketchy sections, as usual, on the high angle stuff.  The trees are soft with lots of good lines.  I did not see any  of the wind buffed snow  I was hoping to find, but there is machine buffed to stand in for it.   Even 3 MM is enough to make magic.  See you in the AM.   Ciao!!

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