4-15-13 by dave

There was snow on the Trailer this morning and easily a foot of 10% additional Essence to frost the cake for the morning crew.   Visibility was marginal, and the cold air kept the new installment fresh and fluffy top to bottom.  The bottom crustDSC01449 was still in play, even though the luxurious density offered some cushion, so a deliberate approach was indicated to deal with the crusty rumble and possible cookies lurking below the cover.  There were face shots to be had in some locations, as the pockets seemed to accumulate some additional depth.  Nice.  Mineral Basin and The Road to Provo opened in predictable order, offering fresh areas to work after the other sections had been picked over.  The Peruvian Chair,  Zoom, Mid Gad, Baby Thunder, Gad 2, and The Baldy Express have all closed for the season, so going to the bottom of the Gad Valley will be a long walk.   Here is a shot from yesterday of my score of  the last first tracks of the season over on the Baldy Express.  I was fortunate enough to be the first rider of the day on that chair, so I had my choice of the fattest line, and here is my choice. MMMMM GOOOD!!!   Tomorrow, look for another delivery to be on tap as a significant system is moving in out of the North West, which promises to deliver the goods.  With today’s cushion factor, the underlying rumble will be becoming much less of a factor, as the additional Essence will make this seem like a return to Mid Winter.  Expect greatness, and see you there for the first Boat.   IBBY!!

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